Thursday, August 27, 2020
Can You Write My Dissertation for Me Free Essays
Would you be able to Write My Dissertation for Me Absolutely, yet let us share a few thoughts that will assist you with beginning. Composing a paper is an overwhelming test. Numerous gifted and learned understudies come up short on the deftness to compose a paper. We will compose a custom paper test on Would you be able to Write My Dissertation for Me or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now This has more to do with the real errand of composing. Scholastic aptitude, examination and time imperatives are normal issues however dedicated understudies will beat these obstacles. Theses get dismissed for a horde of reasons. One of the most widely recognized reasons is the nature of composing. An exposition must be overwhelming on realities. There is no place for sentiments and positively no extension for suppositions without validating proof. Since a paper is increasingly specialized in nature, most understudies are overpowered with the realities of the case and henceforth will in general dismiss the nature of composing. This is the essential motivation behind why you should employ a specialist to compose your paper for you. Would you be able to Write My Dissertation for Me? Kick off the Process One of the principal focal points of recruiting a specialist to compose my thesis for me is kicking off the entire procedure. Numerous understudies, including doctoral and postdoctoral colleagues, have enough data available to them. There is no deficiency of exploration, yet there can be some ambiguity in the vision. The range of data is frequently overpowering. The ambit of direction, issue, research questions, technique or strategies and possible end or induction can be tremendous and it can agitate even the most intelligent understudy seeking after a particular degree in a picked discipline. These create as the underlying detours. Numerous understudies essentially don’t figure out how to get around to beginning the way toward composing their exposition. Every single such situation that fuel stalling can be effectively managed by recruiting a specialist author. The essayist is getting paid for composing my exposition for me. The essayist doesn't need to manage the different interruptions that I as an understudy would have. Likewise, the essayist is as of now acquainted with the different strategies that can be utilized to assemble accessible data for a picked subject and compose the thesis as per the gave directions. Quick Turnaround Time Numerous understudies take a long time to compose their paper. A few understudies take months. Employing a specialist to compose my thesis for me will decrease this turnaround time to days. Most specialists will have the option to convey the paper inside seven days. Some might have the option to do it in two days. Obviously the genuine turnaround time will rely upon the nature and extent of the thesis, additionally the ability of the essayist and the kind of directions gave. Despite these varieties, a capable author with pertinent skill will have the option to compose my paper for me a lot quicker than me. Deftness in Writing and Domain Expertise At the point when anybody recruits an exposition essayist, the center is twofold. One, the expert ought to be a deft author. Two, the author must have area ability. This twofold concentration or standards encourages all understudies to defeat both the universes. Each exposition must be of a faultless norm and it must be so when it joins superb composition and topic aptitude. There are numerous understudies who are somewhat acceptable with words yet need specialized intuition. There are numerous specialized wizards who are discovered needing with regards to the composed word. Proficient thesis composing administration guarantees both. You can really search for explicit space aptitude or even subcategories while recruiting a specialist. Altering is Included in the Service Except if referenced in any case and unequivocally thus, your exposition would not exclusively be composed yet in addition altered. This is pivotal. Most theses will be inadmissible in their first draft. A few papers require a few rounds of investigating and reexamining. Altering is completely unavoidable. No understudy has ever composed an ideal exposition in their first endeavor. Odds are high that an expert author would improve work than an understudy who has no related knowledge recorded as a hard copy theses however one or a couple of rounds of survey is regularly basic. Luckily, such adjusts of altering are remembered for the administration. There is no extra charge you have to pay for altering, updates or even typical surveys of spelling, language structure and verifiable exactness. Improved Objectivity while Reviewing a Dissertation Employing somebody compose my exposition for me permits me to separate myself from the composed piece and I can put on my cap as a topic master to consider on the off chance that I am persuaded with what has been introduced. At the point when anybody composes a piece, there is some level of objectivity that is undermined. Indeed, even the best explanatory brain can be somewhat liberal or tolerant during self evaluations. This foreshadows well for you when you recruit an essayist as you can be increasingly practical and objective with your evaluation and exploit the included altering administration. Free Plagiarism Check A thesis ought not be copied. This is a standard that applies to each train all around the globe and paying little mind to the degree one is seeking after. Numerous individuals intentionally counterfeit. A few understudies are uninformed of the way that their thoughts or musings may not be unique or one of a kind and that their composed thesis may have obvious similitudes with different papers. This gets clear to the analysts and they promptly dismiss the exposition. Literary theft is a genuine offense in the scholarly community. As an understudy, you might possibly have any methods available to you to guarantee that your paper isn't copied. Proficient paper composing administrations incorporate a written falsification check for nothing. Regardless of whether it is chargeable, it is remembered for the all out expense. You would get the opportunity to utilize written falsification checking apparatuses that you wouldn’t approach in any case. There aren’t numerous alternatives available to you to guarantee that your exposition is unique. All the better you can do is be certifiable with your contemplations and compose the paper without intentionally or subliminally reflecting what you may have understood some place. Better Odds of Getting Approved Proficient thesis composing administrations improve the chances in support of yourself. Since a thesis can get dismissed quickly on grounds of written falsification, poor composition, confusion, absence of arrangement, poor reference, utilization of unreasonable statements and little inventiveness, lack of authentic data or mistakes, an expert essayist with area mastery will effortlessly improve the odds of your paper getting affirmed by dealing with all these expected issues. An expert essayist with significant area aptitude would have the valuable experience of having composed theses of the sort you need. The author would know precisely the stuff to pen the ideal thesis and is likewise keenly mindful of the grounds on the bases of which one can be dismissed. Proficient essayists have an intentionally proactive way to deal with maintain a strategic distance from the blunders that understudies may not know about. There are journalists who have written several theses and consequently they know absolutely what is looked for by analysts. They are additionally mindful of the sorts of theses that are as of now acknowledged and maybe distributed so their own evaluation turns into a fundamental written falsification checker. Compose My Dissertation for Me Understudies who exceed expectations in scholastics and have a characteristic propensity for composing can generally compose their own papers. They may work admirably. In spite of the chances in support of themselves, such understudies also will profit by recruiting an expert author. Their papers might be changed from acceptable to better or from satisfactory to magnificent. A paper needs to satisfy the reason and it should likewise intrigue. Most analysts are hoping to get amazed by the understudies. A thesis that doesn't stick out or sparkle here and there will neglect to dazzle. Step by step instructions to refer to Can You Write My Dissertation for Me, Essays
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Antigone :: essays research papers
It takes a ton of boldness to stand up and shield an activity or thought that is taboo by society. In addition to the fact that Antigone did that in Sophocles' story Antigone, yet in addition contrasting my existence with the occasions that occurred in Antigone, it was not very far in the past that I needed to stand and make a move on a taboo thought. Antigone obviously resists King Creon's structure that no individual ought to cover Antigone's sibling, Polynices, which is deserving of punishment of death. For this situation, is Antigone's choice the right one? Her activities influence huge numbers of her other compatriots contrarily in light of the fact that they cause issues inside the imperial family, contradiction among the individuals and straightforwardly identify with the demise of three individuals including her own. By covering her sibling, Antigone purposely and enthusiastically conflicted with imperial requests and in doing so picks her own demise. She knows just as anybody in the town that demise would go to all that resisted Creon's organization. Antigone says to this "no one will ever convict me for a traitor,"(Act I: Scene II: Line 361) and chooses to cover the body, this is very amusing on the grounds that by covering her sibling a backstabber is actually what she is indicted for being. This story to some degree identifies with my life in light of the fact that there was an occasion that occurred in High school that made me be seen as a backstabber, and yet in was in advantage of the school. In my High school there has and consistently been a blended horde of understudies, for example, blacks, whites, and Hispanics. At my school it was truly evident that blacks spent time with one another and whites spent time with one another. Towards the finish of Davies 2 the school year I alongside two or three my companions began getting races remarks that where obviously coordinated to most of the dark understudies. As time went on the circumstance turned out to be more awful. I was taken a gander at as a double crosser essentially in light of the fact that I was consistently the person who spent time with everybody, not simply the dark understudies. I took the issue to the head and nothing was done so we continued to go to the leading group of training and sufficiently sure, Reginald F.
Marijuana- illegal or legal What is best for Hawaii Research Paper
Weed unlawful or legitimate What is best for Hawaii - Research Paper Example It was additionally normally utilized as an intoxicant in this period. Be that as it may, a battle by the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, depicting it as an addictive and amazing substance that went about as a door sedate prompted its illegalization. It turned into an image of power disobedience for radicals and understudies during the 60s. Alongside LSD and heroin, cannabis was delegated a timetable 1 medication in 1970 through the Controlled Substances Act, which classed it as having high potential; for maltreatment with no acknowledged use in medication. The Bush and Reagan â€Å"zero tolerance†time saw the section of exacting guidelines and sentences for pot ownership and expanded reconnaissance of cross-fringe pirating (Joffe and Yancy 637). This welcomed a move to dependence on residential maryjane development in California and Hawaii. Be that as it may, extended crackdowns saw another move towards indoor developing; prompting a time of falling pot use. Be that as it may, its utilization saw a restoration during the 90s, which leveled off during the 2000s. Where We Are Today In Hawaii With Marijuana? On eighth March, 2011, the state senate passed five bills identified with maryjane. Senate Bill 58 expanded pot sums that an individual could convey to permit them convey 5 ounces or grow 10 plants at some random time (Cooper and Daws 276). The bill was additionally intended to ensure the classification of patients and address issues concerning maryjane transport. Bill 113, thusly, accommodated a pot investigate program of three years, which would be led in Hawaii including nearby cannabis clients and qualified scientists. Bill 175, should it be passed into law, would see a move in power of maryjane laws to the Health Department from the Public Safety Department. Bill 1458 expects to make three class levels for authorizing purposes: the first is â€Å"compassion focuses that will be answerable for the administration of weed, the second for d evelopment focuses, and the third for the offer of mixed pot (Cooper and Daws 279). One of the most basic strides towards weed sanctioning is Bill 1460, which looks to decriminalize any measure of maryjane that is short of what one ounce. The bill additionally suggests that necessities that as of now call for revealing of understudies possessing weed be dropped in the event that they are trapped possessing not exactly an ounce of weed (Cooper and Daws 280). The five bills in the Senate are generally upheld with two among them seeing consistent endorsement with the other three confronting a limit of two no votes. These bills are relied upon to proceed towards House endorsement. As per various congresspersons, the financial conditions, cash spent on captures, extreme obligations in the state, and the demonstrated impacts of clinical pot make it high time to gain from the decriminalization in Colorado. Also, if law authorization and state government should invest their amounts of energ y towards appropriate tax assessment, instead of arraigning and precluding wholesalers, cultivators, and clients in order to give income that is required to improve the obligation in the state (Cooper and Daws 281). The ongoing help offered by senate is a hint this is concurred on by a greater part of the legislators. Cannabis as a Legal Drug Uses of Marijuana There are different strategies for maryjane organization, for example, smoking of dried buds, disintegrating, taking cases, and eating or drinking extricates
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Continuum From Legitimacy to Fraud Research Paper - 2
The Continuum From Legitimacy to Fraud - Research Paper Example The principle Research techniques incorporate quantitative, blended strategies, and subjective methodologies strategies. The rules of picking an examination strategy rely upon the choices on inquiries to be replied and information type required (Stangor, 2011). An exploration considers different angles like the individual who will gather information, spot of information assortment and information the scientist looks to gather. Different elements considered in the determination standards are; technique to be utilized and information examination type. The strategy for inquire about chose should respond to the inquiries and be in accordance with the procedure (Cozby, 2009). Quantitative research includes deductive and rotates in a theory that is perceived preceding the examination. Subjective research includes inductive and needs no theory definition for the examination. A blended research strategy includes the utilization of both quantitative and subjective technique (Zikmund, Babin, C arr, and Griffin, 2010). Quantitative Research Method This examination considers a general case at that point moves towards a particular case. This technique thinks about a reasonable justification of an issue and envisions approving its impact. The circumstances and logical results factor relies upon the quality of factors relationship. On the off chance that the factors are emphatically related, the relationship of circumstances and logical results turns out to be exceptionally likely (Cozby, 2009). A case of this technique is an exploration to assess the distinctions being used of sites trucks of shopping and online buyer buying conduct. General Cause The general reason includes the buying propensity for web clients who put items in the shopping baskets that are on the web. In any case, these customers don't finish a few buys. Dissecting this conduct changes from the buying propensity for online customers who never use shopping baskets to hold products they never buy. Explicit Ef fect The particular impact involves web customers who routinely put products in their internet shopping baskets however don't achieve the buy, and are 75% increasingly likely to return to similar sites late complete the buy inside seven days. Research Finding Holding the substance in the web shopping basket for 10 days when a customer goes disconnected, before completing a buy, is great business and infers a high chance of potential buys by that client on a similar site. Theory This is a speculation in an announcement or a question structure, which an examination endeavors to reply. A quantitative research has two-speculations. Invalid theory (Ho) is the place a scientist doesn't envision the conjecture to be valid. Toward the finish of the exploration, the scientist will investigate the information gathered so as to either recognize or dismiss the negative theory. Testing a theory is the affirmation of the suspicion or the speculation. In the elective speculation, (Ha), a specialis t guesses the conjecture is valid. At the point when a specialist dismisses the invalid speculation, it infers that the elective theory may be acknowledged. This implies probability that the information mistake that would make the Ha false is sensibly minute by logical gauges. There is no supreme speculation testing in any quantitative research (Stangor, 2011). From the model, on the online investigation: Ho = Online purchaser who places wares in the truck before departing the site is progressively likely to return to and complete an exchange than online purchasers who don't place items in their truck, yet in addition come back to the website.â
Write A Blog Post For Democracy Civil Society and Win An iPad 2
Write A Blog Post For Democracy Civil Society and Win An iPad 2 Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Write A Blog Post For Democracy Civil Society and Win An iPad 2Updated On 21/06/2015Author : Anshul TewariTopic : BloggingShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogThe year 2011 was one hell of an year. It was the year when people woke up and fought for democracy and for their rights. It was the year when Indians got together to fight against corruption, when the Arab world saw a new wave of protests all for the good. It was the year when social media took a new turn towards social activism and acted as a tool for change.Here is your chance to make use of this tool and express your views on civil society and democracy, and stand the chance of winning an iPad 2. Youth Ki Awaaz is getting along with the American Embassy, New Delhi, to organize Blogocracy, a blog-a-thon to get bloggers from North India (the regions under the purview of the American Embassy, New Delhi) to build chatter around issues that matter.Being a part of this contest is easy. You must write a blog entry of 300-1000 words with your own perspective on one of the three topics:What does democracy mean to me?The many ways we are alike: American and Indian democracyRule by the people: how civil society makes democracy tickYour post must be written on your own blog. Whether you are an experienced blogger with a following, or a beginner who wants to be heard, your entry must be hosted on your own blog site. If you’re a first timer, set up an account on any popular blogging site, and write, write, write.Once you have written your blogpost, please submit the link of the same at in the following format:Full Name: Street Address: City: State: Email: Mobile number: Age: 1-2 Sentence summary of your blogocracy entry: Link to your blog:READ8 Reasons Forcing Me To Say NO To Your Guest PostAfter mailing your blog post to blogocracy, please post a link of the same on our Facebook page and tweet the link to us on Twitter @YouthKiAwaaz with the hashtag #Blogocracy.After we receive your blog entry and confirm that it meets the criteria, we will post the link to your blog on the and website, where all our visitors can link to your blog. We reserve the right to remove our link if your blog posts offensive material or items that violate our terms and conditions.All blog entries will be judged based on analysis of the topic, creativity, and originality of thought. The selection board will consist of U.S. Embassy officers and civil society leaders. The best entry will win an iPad and will be published in SPAN magazine during our special democracy and elections issue. Two runners up will receive cool prizes. Winners will be announced on or before March 13.Blogocracy, for now, is limited to residents of North India. You must live in any of the following states: Bihar, Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, or Uttarakhand.You must be over the age of 16 to participate.The blogs can be in either English or HindiAll blogs will be checked for plagiarism. If any portion of your blog has been copied (yes, even from Wikipedia!), it will be disqualified from the contest.Last dates to send your link is 20th February, 2012.You can know more about the contest and its guidelines at free to drop any queries in the comments below ??
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Research Process, Res 341 - Free Essay Example
Research Process Paper Res/341 Research and Evaluation 1, James Espino, Penni Kjellesvik, Cassandra Kowieski, Takako Tizon May 15, 2010 Lance Milner Research Process Paper Some individuals believe that education and earnings go hand in hand. The lesser the education, the smaller the wages, and thus with a greater education may lead to an increase in wages. The focus of this discussion will involve what the research process entails for the subject of wages and the relationship between education, and wage earnings. This research project will discuss the purpose of the research, define the problem, propose three possible hypothesizes, identify the variables, and define the problem in quantifiable measurements. Additionally, why the research is important, what question the research will answer, and the necessary steps to follow in the research process will clearly be shown. Purpose of Research According to some research studies the level of education that an individual obtains directly correlates to the wages that he or she will earn over his or her lifetime. The higher the degree of education that a person attains can affect the amount of wages that he or she will earn. Research shows that there is also a difference in wage earnings by males and females who have earned the same degrees. â€Å"The highest paid 10% of male workers with advanced degrees earned $3,260 or more weekly, compared to $2,252 or more for women of the same education level†(Wall Street Journal, 2009). The research suggests that there is an advantage of an increase in earning power by an individual who continues his or her education, and advances the degrees that he or she holds. This research may be important for anyone who is considering whether or not he or she should continue to further his or her education. The time, effort, and expense that a person invests in continuing his or her education may result in producing the potential for a higher income in earned wages in many fields of industry throughout their life. Problem Definition A problem could be any situation where a gap exists between the actual and the desired ideal states. The problem in this case would be what research method to use when trying to see the relationship between education and wages. In order to find the solution to this problem we would need to look at what extent does an individual’s level of education contribute to the earnings of that individual during the duration of his or her career. Simply noting the external factors that will play a role during the investigation is only the beginning. A wealth of information still needs to be addressed. Ultimately the research will determine if a person with a degree will generally earn more than an individual with less education during his or her career. Research Hypothesis After properly defining the problem for the research, the next step is to identify the research hypothesis. In this search of the correlation between level of education and the wages earned, there are three possible hypotheses for the outcomes this research may show. First hypothesis is simply that the higher the level of education, the higher potential of earning. Second hypothesis that higher the level of education and the level of motivation affecting it, greatly influences the potential of higher earnings The third hypothesis is that the higher the level of education and the gender of an individual, influenced by their social background, greatly correlate to the potential earnings. In the three hypothesizes mentioned the variables must be tested to confirm or deny the theories. In the three hypotheses explained above, they share a common dependent variable. The dependent variable in this scenario is the potential wage earnings. Dependent variable or criterion variable is the primary reason for this research (Sekaran, 2003). The independent variables are the level of education and the gender of an individual that affects the earning potential for an individual. Independent variables are known as predictor variables, and they are the cause of influence on the dependent variables (Sekaran, 2003). Social background is another variable in two of the hypotheses, which are identified as the moderating variables. Social background of an individual may affect the influences of the independent variables in the way that his or her cultural differences may affect the way he or she perceives the importance of education, and work ethics. Moderating variables are the third type of variables, which can have an effect on the original relationship between the dependent, and independent variables (Sekaran, 2003). The level of measurement for these variables is a classification as either categorical or qualitative variables. The dependent variable of the wage earnings is a qualitative variable, which is measured on a ratio scale. The independent variable of gender is a categorical variable, which measures on a nominal scale. Level of education is a continuous variable which is measured on an interval scale. Lastly, the moderating variables mentioned above are measured as a categorical variable on a nominal scale (Doane Seward, 2007). Remaining Steps in Research Process The remaining steps for this research project are to examine the current literature available for the subject of wages, earning potential, and evaluate their relationship with gender, social background, and education. In addition to comparing the research literature with other subsequent years, sampling design, data collection, and data analyses steps will be taken. Obtaining further information and analyzing the information gathered may support one of the three hypotheses, or could reveal a different result. Obtaining information specifically for each gender, and social background in relation to education level, and wage earnings, as well as profession will be reviewed, documented, and evaluated for further clarification. Summary This research process paper’s discussion focuses upon researching the topic of wage earnings and their relationship to higher education. The research steps involve, the purpose of the research, describing the research problem and why it has importance, defining the problem, defining the problem with quantifiable measurements, proposing three hypotheses that may result from this research, define operational definitions for each variable, identify the variables to be tested, and define both the level of measurement for each variable, and the measurement scale for each variable. The remaining steps of the research for wages, wages earnings and education are to examine and evaluate the literature available for the most current year and compare with other subsequent years, sampling design, data collection, and data analyses. In concluding this research project we are attempting to prove that the higher the education level an individual has the greater the earning power an individual has. References Doane, D. P. , Seward, L. E. (2007). Applied statistics in business and economics. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Sekaran, U. (2003). Research methods for business: A skill-building approach (4th ed. ). New York, NY: John Wiley Sons. Wall Street Journal(2009). Women’s Wages Outpaced Men’s During Recession, https://online. wsj. com/article/SB25572097632690573. html. , retrieved May 14, 2010. U. S. Department of Labor. (2010). Equal Pay and Compensation Discrimination. Retrieved from https://www. dol. gov/dol/topic/wages/educational. htm.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Impact Of Student Motivation And Student Engagement
Impact on Student Motivation and Student Engagement According to Legault and Green-Demers (2006), one of the most salient academic problems beleaguering today’s students is a lack of motivation toward learning. While education is compulsory, and educators work diligently to create and implement academically appropriate lessons, students, year after year, lack the desire and motivation to participate in academic tasks required to prepare them for the 21st-century world. The lack of student motivation can lead to frustration and discontentment and can impede academic productivity (Legault et al., 2006). Lack of Motivation Ford and Roby (2013) assert that lack of student motivation is best defined as amotivation, â€Å"a state in which†¦show more content†¦Doubting his abilities to invest time and effort to a task, a student’s motivation is hampered (Pelletier, Dion, Tucson, and Green-Demers, 1999). Values Placed on the Task are essential to student behavior. What’s more, when students do not understand the value of a task as it applies to life relevancy or personal values, student apathy will increase leading to calamitous ramifications that inevitability result in scanty motivational drive (Ford et al., 2013). Characteristic of Task is determined by how interesting, dull, laborious, rigorous, or irrelevant an assignment is (Ford et al., 2013). Furthermore, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Student Motivation Engaging students so they perform at high-levels and have top-notch academic self-conceptualization requires students to act of freewill deriving pleasure from their academic efforts (Ford et al., 2013). Educational pedagogies should not include entertaining students, but rather as a means of engaging them. Because of the advent of technology and its continued transformation, students require new study habits and strategies (Wen-Li, Yi-Chun, Jau-Bi, Chia-Wen, 2017) that peak their interests and galvanize them to seek knowledge through intrinsic motivation. While intrinsically motivated students exhibit the apex of self-determination, conversely, students motivated by extrinsic rewards can also perform well. High school students are oftenShow MoreRelatedGoals Of An Educational Environment Essay1483 Words  | 6 Pagesan educational environment is to motivate students toward environmentally friendly behavior change. The need for student motivation in the high school setting is attributed to the fact that motivation creates positive experience, which helps in improving learning outcomes. Actually, students with positive experiences usually report better attitudes and increasingly positive expectations in their learning process. Through effective motivation of students, teachers and school administrators can closeRead MoreThe Positive Attributes Of Interactivity Essay926 Words  | 4 Pages The positive attributes of interactivity in online courses lend to increasing student engagement and when utilizing the right types of interactivity and levels, learners will improve retention (Korkmaz, 2013). Likewise, studies have shown greater retention leads to greater success of the course activities and overall greater student satisfaction in the course (Durak, Ataizi, 2016; Dziuban, Moskal, 2011). Expressing agreement, Afifi (2010) and Barrett (2013) found that utilizing the levelsRead MoreThe Effect of Motivation on Language Learning Essay990 Words  | 4 Pagesconcept of motivation has been the subject of many studies and is considered a crucial determinant of successful achievement in the field of language learning. A motivating learning environment has to support the education process. It generates learning initially and later will guide the process of acquiring a target language (Cheng Dornyei, 2007). Teachers have long recognized that motivation is centered to problem-solving in education. Motivation is the key factor in getting students involvedRead MoreStudent Engagement Is An Ideal That Should Be Strived For The Classroom Environment1406 Words  | 6 PagesStudent engagement in learning is an ideal that should be strived for, by teachers in the classroom, as it provides reassurance of their effectiveness. A student’s engagement in learning can directly be linked to their motivational levels as motivation express the students desire to learn and progress in their educational studies. One m ight struggle to understand the best choice of strategies or concepts in order to facilitate engagement of learning in the classroom environment. Great diversity existsRead MoreImproving Students Through Communication, Connection, And Collaboration967 Words  | 4 Pagesand interests will be beneficial to the students’ growth in the course. Additionally, these researchers found that facilitating student engagement and motivation, teachers are encouraged to provide constant and consistent feedback which includes questions and activities which spark reflection. Research indicates the process of engaging students through communication, connection, and collaboration is based on what works best for the population of students in the online course (Cavanaugh, RepettoRead MoreA Speech On The School Improvement Process Essay874 Words  | 4 Pagesclass research project on student motivation and logging-in to Atlas Rubicon. I believe that student motivation and engagement is th e missing link in most curriculum. A well-designed curriculum must incorporate what the research tells us about student engagement and motivation. I am hopeful that our class research project will provide us quantitative data that illustrates the importance of student motivation and engagement, and illustrates the impact of motivation and engagement on achievement. BetweenRead MoreMotivation Of An Ideal Learning Environment1092 Words  | 5 PagesMotivation in Learning Most critics of today’s educational system blame the teachers and the schools for the lack of student engagement. They rarely implicate the students to assign blame. Could it be that learners today lack intrinsic motivation, something quite catastrophic? Motivation is a reason one has a general desire to do something. An ideal learning environment would consist on having students learning for a price, learning with a passion. Motivation is when someone, a youth, wantsRead MoreNbt1 Task 11692 Words  | 7 PagesManagement, Engagement, Motivation Task # 642.1.1: Classroom Management Theories Classroom Management A. The Importance of Classroom Management The fundamental goal of an educator is to effectively teach their students. Therefore, the effectiveness of an educator’s classroom management is directly correlated to the student’s educational success. Moreover, an effective classroom management strategy contributes to an attentive and orderly classroom, providing the students with self-motivationRead MoreAnalysis Of The Film The World s Classroom 1727 Words  | 7 Pagesclass has covered. Because of using these varied teaching methods, Claire is also creating a more indepth and engaged learning environment that appears to have a positive impact on her students. Two concepts that I will be introducing and comparing to Claire’s classroom are Self-directed Learning and The Four Aspects of Engagement. Both of these concepts connect to multiple parts of the classroom including how Claire teaches and student’s ability to learn. While most studies focusing on self-directedRead MoreMaslow s Humanistic Hie rarchy Of Needs And Then Followed By Ryan And Deci s Self Determination Theory1532 Words  | 7 PagesMotivation can be defined as â€Å"A driving force or forces responsible for the initiation, persistence, direction and trigger of goal related behaviour†(Colman. A. 2001) Motivation to do something can come about in many ways (Stipek 2002).Academic motivation may come from the intrinsic sources such as interest in the subject or lesson or from extrinsic sources, for example money rewards for good grades. In the essay I am going to firstly outline the key information from my case study and then proceed
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Epidemiology And Public Health Significance - 2485 Words
Kyle Andrade Dr. Perrino June 23, 2015 The Obesity Epidemic 1. Epidemiology and Public Health Significance Obesity is a significant public health problem that has serious worldwide implications for health and disease. The sheer quantity of obese people in the world and specifically America, is testament to the need for this grave public health concern to be curbed. Obesity is classified as individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 30.0 and above. Since 1980 worldwide obesity has nearly doubled.7 In 2014, approximately over 600 million adults worldwide were obese.7 Of this number 39% of adults aged 18 years and over were overweight (BMI of 25-29.9) in 2014, and 13% were obese.7 Most of the world s population live in countries where†¦show more content†¦The relationship between obesity and socioeconomic status differs by sex, race and ethnic group. Among women, and specifically non-Hispanic white women, obesity prevalence is inversely proportional to income, while among non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American men obesity prevalence d ecreases as income decreases.9 Although the prevalence of obesity among women with income below 130% of the poverty level is higher than among those with higher incomes, the majority of obese women do not have incomes below 130% of the poverty level.9 Among men and women with a college degree, the prevalence of obesity is less than among those with some college education.9 College educated women are less likely to be obese compared with those with less than a high school diploma.9 Obesity is also associated with increased risk for numerous chronic diseases, including diabetes, and heart disease. Obesity is also linked to several digestive diseases.5 Due to the increased risk of death and the increased risk of costly chronic diseases associated with obesity, the
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Ancient Egyptian Art And Art Essay - 1655 Words
Ancient Egyptian sculpture was influential for the time and as well as today through many methods including various sculpture and pottery ranging from colossal obelisks to tiny pieces of pottery. Egyptian developments in sculpture and pottery show aspects of religion, the spreading of their culture, and advanced design. Egyptian sculptures was influenced by their religion through many methods. One of these methods were the obelisks, there happened to be specific rules for them as they were after all designed for the kings or queens of that time. According to Encyclopedia britannica an obelisk hasâ€Å"All four sides of the obelisk’s shaft are embellished with hieroglyphs that characteristically include religious dedications, usually to the sun god, and commemorations of the rulers.†-(Obelisk). The obelisk was one of the main forms that the people connected with their gods and the amazing craftsmanship that went into the design of the statue. Also, as the pharaohs were classified as â€Å"gods among men†, the sculptures dedicated to them were believed to hold special power towards those pharaohs, especially during the time of the Old Kingdom. â€Å"Throughout Egyptian history, the statuary of royals has had a firm funerary grounding. This is definitely true for the Old Kingdom, as it was still strongly believed the statute could hold divine power†-(Royal Statuary through Old and Middle Kingdom Egypt) This also shows the worship around objects being that there was a possibility ofShow MoreRelatedAncient Egyptian Art And Art907 Words  | 4 PagesAncient Egyptian art is painting, sculpture, architecture and other arts constructed by the civilization of ancient Egypt in the lower Nile River from 3000 BC. Ancient Egyptian artist tried to idealize the universe, not as it actually existed, but more enduring and lasting symbols. They tended to portray life and people as they wished them to be and not how they actually are. The artist fol lowed certain rules or styles that made it unique and unmistakable. Most of the art was influenced by religionRead MoreAncient Egyptian Art : The Art Of Ancient Egypt883 Words  | 4 PagesThe people of Ancient Egypt believed in the afterlife, and therefore it is no surprise that most of the art that survived from that time is connected to the deadâ€â€especially the popular figures such as the pharaohs. The early Egyptian paintings were very basic and were painted in rocks that portrayed everyday life objects. The pharaohs were like the gods of the earth which is why the Egyptians often represented the gods and the pharaohs with very similar features in some of the artwork. Even thoughRead MoreAncient Egyptian Art And Sculpture1259 Words  | 6 PagesThere are many different art styles around the world that developed in various ways. Ancient Egyptian art is around 5 thousand years old, and it is a major contributor to late Mesolithic Art. It arose and took place in the Nil e Valley. Ancient Egyptian art attained a high level in sculpture and painting, and was extremely stylized and symbolic. Most of the Egyptian sculptures that have been well-preserved were initially made for temples and/or tombs. All Egyptian art and sculpture was based on theRead More Ancient Egyptian Art Essay653 Words  | 3 Pages To understand ancient Egypt, one must understand ancient Egyptian art. Studying ancient Egyptian art, one can understand how they lived, worked and what they believed in including religion. The ancient Egyptians also believed in the afterlife so tomb painting, was also an important part of ancient Egyptian art.      The ancient Egyptians made their paintbrushes from either coarse palm leaves or knotted rope that was beaten at one end to form stiff bristles. Paint was made from finely groundRead MoreAncient Egypt : Ancient Egyptian Art1308 Words  | 6 Pages Religious Architechture in ancient Egypt Egyptian art has journeyed through the centuries as one of the most influential phenomenon in human civilization. From the Greeks to the Romans to the people of today, Egyptians and their beautiful representations in art and architecture have proven a legacy in the creations of certain landmarks, statues, and even advertisements. The Greeks derived many of their statues from Egyptian sculptures, such as the Kouros 600 B.C. The RomanRead MoreThe Egyptian Art And The Ancient World1353 Words  | 6 PagesEgyptian art has influenced upcoming art in the ancient world. What really brought influence into ancient art were the statues the Egyptians created. The Egyptians made statues mostly for the pharaoh, but we will also discuss how statues were a huge religious part of mummification. The Egyptians defined statues has living images and were made for the kaâ€â€the soul of a personâ€â€in order to receive offerings in their tomb. This started an expansion of small statues and h ad many reliefs created forRead MoreThe Reign Of Ancient Egyptian Art Essay1689 Words  | 7 PagesAncient Egyptian art is amongst the most well known, with long lasting styles in history. Thousands of years ago, the ancient Egyptians created magnificent havens for the divine beings they revered and monumental pyramids for the remains of their rulers. The Egyptians considered their ruler to to be both mortal and divine with great spiritual power. Out of all the works commissioned over three centuries of Egyptian rule, may of them were dedicated to their kings, to honor their lives in the formsRead MoreThe Discovery Of Ancient Egyptian Art1285 Words  | 6 Pageshis tomb is that, Nebamun was a nobleman during the new kingdom. And to understand Ancient Egyptian art it must be viewed from the point of Ancient Egyptians noblemen. My goal of this essay is to tell my readers what mean the frescoes in the Tomb of Nebamun and how two of the frescoes found in the Tomb of Nebamun: †Å"hunting birds†and â€Å"Female musicians and dancers entertaining guests at a meal†tell us about Egyptian daily life. To achieve this goal, I have organized this paper into sections. The firstRead MoreThe Museum Of Ancient Egyptian Art1427 Words  | 6 PagesMuseum of Ancient Egyptian Art collections, including artifacts and objects relating to the different periods of ancient Egyptian history, starting from the prehistoric period until the Greek roman period. The museum maintains an information system consisting of all the records pertaining to the museum’s collection. The principle components of this system are as following: 1. Board of Trustees Records: The Board of Trustees Records reflect the activities of Museum of the Ancient Egyptian Art Board.Read MoreAncient Egyptian Art : Ancient Egypt776 Words  | 4 PagesAncient Egyptian is one of the oldest countries in the world. It is divided into three kingdoms Old, Middle, and New. Today I will be discussing the beautiful Queen Nefertiti and her kingdom. She comes from the New Kingdom. Her name means the beautiful women has come and her husband who was Pharaoh Akhenaten ruled during the 14 century B.C. Artwork from the day depicts the couple in an unusually naturalistic and individualistic style, more so than from earlier eras. Ancient Egyptian
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Edgar Allan Poe Youth, Beauty, and Death
The relationship with Edgar Allan Poe and the woman in his life – his mother, adoptive mother, and wife, Virginia Clemm – were disastrous (DiLorenzo). Yet, they provided the inspiration for some of the best gothic pieces to date. Poe often combines the romantic, long lasting love in fairy tales and the hard truth of real life. Such elements are portrayed within â€Å"Annabel Lee†and â€Å"Ulalume†. His poems refrain from creating a false paradise, and instead represent an allegory of his tribulations – the death of young, beautiful women. For example, â€Å"Annabel Lee†is about the speaker of the poem remembering his long-lost love, Annabel Lee. Throughout the poem he references â€Å"in a kingdom by the sea†(Poe â€Å"Annabel Lee†) which portrays Poe’s†¦show more content†¦Finally, as night sets he begins to believe that the moon must be Astarte, and is directing him towards paradise. Unfortunately, the moon only directs him to the tomb of his deceased love, Ulalume, and it is revealed that that night is the one year anniversary of his lover’s death. Poe wrote â€Å"Ulalume†in the same year of his wife’s death, and again reveals the death of a young, beautiful woman. Again, the speaker is left mourning the death of his lover, â€Å"Then my heart it grew ashen and sober†(Poe â€Å"Ulalume†). The fact that the speaker never strays from the trail that he walks on can represent him being stuck in his mind, and his every thought is occupied by his lost love â€Å"But our thoughts they were palsied and sere-â€Å"(Poe â€Å"Ulalume†). After the death of Virginia Clemm, Poe seeped into a deep depression, and it could be thought that he knew this would occur and wrote about within his works. Edgar Allan Poe’s poems are often allegories for events in his life. A constant theme in most of his poems is constant memories and grief. In â€Å"Annabel Lee†everything reminds the speaker of his lost love â€Å"For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams/of the beautiful Annabel Lee†(Poe, â€Å"Annabel Lee†) – this causes the speaker to sleep by her tomb every night â€Å"And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side/ Of my darling-my darling-my life and my bride†(Poe, â€Å"Annabel Lee†). In â€Å"Ulalume†the speakerShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Cask Of Amontillado Essay1267 Words  | 6 PagesOctober 19, 2016 Poe’s Love and Death; One in the Same The significance of Edgar Allan Poe s style of writing, which commands the use of both death and love most frequently throughout his works, are what really made his literary works become so well known. The nature of death and on questions about the afterlife is usually Poe’s main focus in most of his literary works. A woman who has died at the height of her youth and beauty, leaving a lover behind to mourn. Death and Love, these two main themesRead MoreAnalysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Cask Of Amontillado 1200 Words  | 5 Pages2015 Life of Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe has become America’s first literary star. His tales or short stories are popular all over the world! Poe lived an unhappy life, when people came in contact with this â€Å"saddest strangest figure in American literary history†they were aware of some of his qualities (Fagin 1). Edgar Allan’s has a complex personality. Poe excelled at creating Gothic and Horror stories. Poe works with realism in â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†(Buranelli 19). Poe writes about himselfRead MoreThe Death Of A Beautiful Woman By Edgar Allan Poe Essay2251 Words  | 10 Pagesseveral, if not all, works of Edgar Allan Poe, there is a not so subtle theme that is found. One of the death and beauty. How is the death of a young woman romanticized within selected works of Edgar Allan Poe? In such works as â€Å"Lenore†, â€Å"Ulalume†, popular â€Å"Annabel Lee†, â€Å"The Raven†, and short story â€Å"The Oval Painter†,the â₠¬Å"death of a beautiful woman†theme is prevalent and strongly noted within context, word choice, and imagery. In the eyes of Edgar Allan poe, death, especially that of a woman,Read More The Somber and Dark Tone of The Fall of the House of Usher Essay1265 Words  | 6 PagesThe Somber and Dark Tone of The Fall of the House of Usher The work of Edgar Allan Poe is notoriously morbid and terror-provoking. Poe’s â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†, with its melancholically eerie tone, is undoubtedly a prime example of such writing. Much effort within the literary world has been devoted to the analysis and critique of Poe’s compositions. Among those to study and analyze Poe’s work is J.O. Bailey. Bailey’s argument concerning Poe’s underlying objective is valid and presentedRead MoreThe Destruction of the Feminine and Triumph of Society: Homosexuality In Edgar Allan Poe’s â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†1446 Words  | 6 PagesIn Edgar Allan Poe’s â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†there is dense symbolism that surrounds the house that may lead the reader to infer many conclusions about Roderick himself. Perhaps the most interesting understanding comes in the femininity that is present in the story. Poe uses very specific descriptors in the story, many of which seem to indicate the gentle, soft, delicate features of woman. These substantiations seem to be interconnected in opposition to death, and by the end of the storyRead MoreRomanticism in American Literature2283 Words  | 10 PagesGetting to Know Thoreau Poe Within this paper will be an explanation of the ideals of Romantic writers in Early American Literature. 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Doyle was inspired by Poe s threeRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe / Emily Dickinson3782 Words  | 16 Pagesin this paper will be Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allan Poe. Romanticism was an artistic and intellectual movement originating in Europe in the late 18th century. The romantic period saw an overflowing of emotions, with â€Å"lyrical ballads†maintaining that all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling. The romantic period in American literature, which included writers like Washington Irving, Emerson, Thoreau, Emily Dickson, Edgar Allen Poe, Nathanial Hawthorne, Walt Whitman, HermanRead More A Comparison of Love in Annabel Lee and La Belle Dame sans Merci2408 Words  | 10 PagesLove in Poe’s Annabel Lee and Keats’s La Belle Dame sans Merci    Poe’s â€Å"Annabel Lee and Keats’s La Belle Dame sans Merci depict the destructive effects that women exercise upon men. In both poems, women, by death and deception, harm their adoring lovers. In Annabel Lee, Annabel dies and leaves the speaker in isolation; in La Belle Dame Sans Merci, the fairy, La Belle Dame, captures the speaker’s heart, and then deserts him. The common theme of both poems, that love generates harmfulRead MoreA Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams1401 Words  | 6 Pagesher name is French for white (OED). So, the color of white must carry great significance to Blanche as a character. In regards to how Blanche wishes to present herself to others, white is considered to be representative of virginity, pureness, and youth (OED). Blanche attempts to carry herself as a naà ¯ve youthful virginal lady, but in all honesty she is an intriguing and wise woman who has been around the block. The usage of white could also symbolize Blanche’s true nature, strength and weaknesses
Corporate Social Responsibility - 4086 Words
Corporate Social Responsibility Introduction In this report, it critically researches two organisations that are implementing some form of corporate social responsibility. It identify’s one definition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) based upon academic resources. In addition, corporation that is likely to experience competitive advantages by being socially responsible. Followed by what ways the organisation are socially responsible and discusses the impact of these actions of the two organisations. The first organisation examines Coca Cola Company and the second organisation examines The Body Shop International. Also applying and interpreting support materials and analysing issues with clear evidence of support for†¦show more content†¦Corporation should comprehensively concern and contribute to society to ensure the harmony and balance growing of society as well as the corporation (Llewellyn, 2005). Advantages of CSR Corporation are likely to experience competitive advantages by being socially responsible. The advantages that organization can experienced from adopting a successful CSR are intend to be intangible and long-term rather than tangible and short-term.(Lewellyn, 2005). First of all, the company will establish a better reputation that is essential in order to access financial recourses and to get permit by government (Hamman, 2003, p23). A positive relationship between Corporate Responsibility index and corporate reputation is illustrated by Lewellyn (2005). In addition, the high reputation of organization will attract highly qualified skilled employee to work for the company (Hamman, 2003). Moreover, according to the result of CSR Europe’s 2000 study of consumer attitudes toward CSR in 12 countries, Grills Spring (2001) confirm that one fifth of consumers prefer to but products which are responsible for socially and environmentally. Secondly, successful use of CSR can result in long-term stability (Lewellyn, 2005). According to Lewellyn’s (2005) opinion, companies that have a visible approach to corporate responsibility areShow MoreRelatedCorporate Social Responsibility : Corporate Responsibility773 Words  | 4 PagesCorporate s ocial responsibility may also be referred to as corporate citizenship and can involve spending finances that do not directly benefit the company but rather advocate positive social and environmental change. The soul in the next economy forum presentation made it evident that achieving corporate social responsibly in a company can reap major benefits in terms of finances, more inspiring workplace and customer satisfaction. In the past, companies mistakenly thought that corporate socialRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility1990 Words  | 8 PagesCorporate social responsibility is becoming a key initiative and an essential tool in the growth of multinational corporations and the development of third world countries throughout the globe. The two concepts can work hand in hand to provide benefits for all; however difficulties in regulating and implementing corporate social responsibility need to be overcome before effective changes can be made. Definitions of corporate social responsibility can be somewhat varied depending on the perceptionRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility1904 Words  | 8 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility The different aspects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) have been the topic of considerable debate since the last decades of the twentieth century. Main factor for the increased interest on the part of stakeholders in this topic are the increased public awareness and interest in the corporate social responsibility following the Information Revolution. This essay will assess the dangers and benefits of the business ethics for most of the stakeholders – employeesRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Corporate Responsibility2819 Words  | 12 PagesIntroduction For the past years, corporate social responsibility also referred, as corporate conscience has been a respected subject for discussion. Corporate social responsibility, unquestionably, contains more viewpoint than simply worried about the ecological impacts of associations. It came in people groups mind at the later 1880, time of essential modern advancement that associations ought to think about the thought of social obligation. Associations that are near to social obligation issues got toRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibilities2100 Words  | 9 PagesSustainability requires monitoring and managing all the person to ensure that our economy and society can continue to exist without destroying the social and natural environment during development. The sustainability includes three pillars, which are economic, social and environment, forming a triple bottom line. The triple bottom line demands that a company s responsibility lies with stakeholder rather than shareholder. The stake holder is a party who can be affected or affect by the action of the company suchRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility15903 Words  | 64 PagesCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) is a term describing a company’s obligation to be accountable to all of its stakeholder in all its operation and activities. Socially responsible companies consider the full scope of their impact on communities and the environment when making decisions, balancing the needs of stakeholder with their need to make profit. A company’s stakeholders are all those who are influenced by and can influence a company’s decisions and action, both locally and globally. BusinessRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility3253 Words  | 14 PagesLiving Dangerously in Two Worlds In my paper I will be discussing the topics related to corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility (CSR, also called corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship, and responsible business) is a concept whereby organizations consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities and other stakeholders, as well as the environment. This obligationRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Corporate Responsibility2819 Words  | 12 PagesIntroduction For the past years, corporate social responsibility also referred, as corporate conscience has been a respected subject for discussion. Corporate social responsibility, unquestionably, contains more viewpoint than simply worried about the ecological impacts of associations. It came in people groups mind at the later 1880, time of essential modern advancement that associations ought to think about the thought of social obligation. Associations that are near to social obligation issues got toRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Corporate Responsibility2818 Words  | 12 PagesFor the past years, corporate social responsibility also referred, as corporate conscience has been a respected subject for discussion. Corporate social responsibility, unquestionably, contains more viewpoint than simply worried about the ecological impacts of associations. It came in people groups mind at the later 1880, time of essential modern advancement that associations ought to think about the thou ght of social obligation. Associations that are near to social obligation issues got to be worryRead MoreCorporate Responsibility And Corporate Social Responsibility Essay1867 Words  | 8 PagesStevan Jakovljevic Professor Laud MGT 3550 Values, Ethics and Sustainability 10/18/16 Chapter 3: Define corporate responsibility (CSR). Describe the benefits. Why do some executives support CSR while others find it troublesome and argue against it? Corporate social responsibility is what a company uses to self-regulate itself and refers to business practices involving initiatives that benefit society. A business’s CSR can encompass a wide variety of tactics, from giving away a portion of a company’s
Musem arts Essay Example For Students
Musem arts Essay While comparing and contrasting between the NON Arts I noticed that they both where created With strength in mind as the subject and content matter but it was hard not to notice the different materials used thin the bono sculptures while the Head of the roaring lion was created with ivory carvings the Head of a pharaoh was created with stone and copper. While they both are representational and 3-dimensional head figures of art they both contain different meanings. (The Metropolitan Museum Of Art. Head of a roaring lion) For example take the head of the roaring lion represents the strength of the Assyrian culture where as the head of the pharaoh is more of a symbolic figure as a ruler over southern Egypt. Back then such statues where placed on tombs for eternal images tooth deceased. (Antigen Egyptian Art Collection Highlights) believe that the subject matter of both art forms is a little similar while they represent the artist message of strength, leadership, hierarchy, respect and most of all discipline. The head of the pharaoh is black and copper looking but made in a cone shape thats very smooth but yet also curvy and polished while the roaring lion on the other hand looks grey, rough and edgy and broken in several laces. Part 3: (The Metropolitan Museum Of Art- Head of a roaring lion)the head of the roaring lion was during 9th-8TH B. C and the head of the pharaoh 2675-2130 B. C. E. (Antigen Egyptian Art Collection Highlights). To me the artists of both pieces are trying to show us (the art viewers) that important reputation that these to sculpture had in society during those time frames. For example in todays society the Lion is still considered to be a form Of hierarchy as well as the king of the jungle. When looking at the head of the pharaoh believe that the artist is trying to show us the type Of power held by pharaohs during that time period. In which today for example former presidents faces where placed on the currency to be honored or remembered as they have passed on. Art Appreciation unit 1 IP After looking at several definitions came to the conclusion that art can mean several things, My first definition of art is a very controversial topic due to the tact that people deem art to be many things such as a creation, mental beauty, inner beauty, outer beauty as well as philosophy.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Tools for Business Advancement Samples for Students - Myassignment
Questions: 1.What is Strategy? 2.Business Model Innovation. Answers: 1.Strategy Strategy is a very important tool for making business advancements in the real organizations. A good competitive strategy helps the organizations to keep a better position in the market and it helps to sustain the position for a long-term time span. There are some critical tools that lead in making a perfect strategy. These things include providing the products at a low cost to its customers and always move fast in the sector that it concerns. The organizations should also approach its customers with a global strategy. They should their customers with all sorts of best services available so that their customer service remains beyond the reach of their rival companies. The service providers should use some tactics so that they can reach their customers easily and they should set their goals as to whom they should capture the market. There are some other factors that are responsible for building a good strategy that is to realize the uniqueness in the approach to the market, utilizing the important capabilities, the art of sustaining those capabilities to preserve it for further development achieving the goals. The capabilities should be recognized first so that it would be easier for the organizations to assess the rivals movements and take appropriate actions according to that. The target markets have to be segmented properly to achieve better results. Another significant thing is that companies should eye on mass production to get a positive impact on the customers minds. These strategies have to be implemented properly to get the desired outcomes. Nine Network or Channel Nine is a very reputed firm in media communications in Australia which is the most prominent organization in the media sector there ( 2017) There are other media organizations in the country as well. Nine Networks is responsible for most important telecasts in the fields of news, sports, entertainment and others. There are some factors responsible for being successful in the field of media competition. The competitive market in the media organizations is so major nowadays that one needs to put the best effort by adopting perfect strategies so that they can achieve best results (Agha, Alrubaiee, and Jamhour 2012). They have to set their goals and objectives as in which segments of the society they want to reach. They have to select a proper target market and must use some tactics to reach their targets. The channel has become the home for leading sports events in the country so people are happy to subscribe to the channel and their unique value is su stained thus by reaching to the selected segments of the society (Florea, Cheung and Herndon 2013). The media organization has to take up a global strategy so that they can reach the larger parts of the global market (De Loecker and Goldberg 2014) .They must also take up relevant tactics so that they can sustain their progress. Besides, they should appeal to the mass market to spread their business worldwide and they must eye on developing their customer service for their further enhancements. 2.Business Model Innovation Business model innovation is an integral part of business marketing that helps the marketers to keep updated with the recent changes in the sector and it should cater to the betterment of the organizations (Massa and Tucci 2013). The recent trends show that the marketing criteria have changed in the recent years with the innovation of modern technologies. Modern technologies have, therefore, catered to the drastic changing in the market that can be measured on a global perspective only. The recent technologies have gone through a dramatic change so that the scenario is all about how the companies provide their services all around the world. A business model innovation will probably present an organization with some possible requirements for change. There are some major features of the business models like the Identity or the way the business wants to represent itself to its customer base. Secondly, Core resources have to be highlighted that include the core competencies, strategic pa rtners and the business processes. Thirdly, Target markets is the point that includes the target segmentations of the company or the group of people it wants to deal with (Solomon 2014). Fourthly, Channel strategy is the point that highlights the channel through reaching the customers. Fifthly, Customer offers is the thing that stresses on providing the customers with best possible offers according to their needs. Sixthly, Supply Chain Strategy determines the ways for delivering of the products to the customers at an affordable rate (Roh, Hong and Min 2014). The business innovation model has left impacts on the chosen organization. Like all other organizations, it is bound to leave impacts on Nine Networks too. Nine Networks has been a very reputable media organization that has delivered its services to the inhabitants of the country for a long time now. The business model innovation has led to their building of a completely digitalized infrastructure to reach their customers. They have introduced the new HD channels for the new generation watchers so that they can enjoy the benefits of technology through the high definition television channels (Bennett and Segerberg 2013). In this fast paced world, most people are dependent on digitalized connective system. The people should be provided with proper medium so that they can keep track with the most recent updates. Therefore, it is only fair for the organization to develop an application through software that the customers can download and access them on move. Thus, the channel strategy ca n be properly implemented. The customers should be given affordable offers and the customers should be able to avail the offers. The channel should show live telecast of important events and they should not be charged with any extra money for that. They can also open online portals from which the customers can download their favorite programs and watch it whenever they want. The organization can employ clever tactics to eliminate their rivals from gaining the telecast copyrights and they can also make partnerships with some big names in the industry to get financial advices and help in times of need. Thus, the selected organization can use the business innovation models. References Agha, S., Alrubaiee, L. and Jamhour, M., 2012. Effect of core competence on competitive advantage and organizational performance.International Journal of Business and Management,7(1), p.192 Bennett, W.L. and Segerberg, A., 2013.The logic of connective action: Digital media and the personalization of contentious politics. Cambridge University Press. De Loecker, J. and Goldberg, P.K., 2014. Firm performance in a global market.Annu. Rev. Econ.,6(1), pp.201-227. Florea, L., Cheung, Y.H. and Herndon, N.C., 2013. For all good reasons: Role of values in organizational sustainability.Journal of Business Ethics,114(3), pp.393-408. Massa, L. and Tucci, C.L., 2013. Business model innovation.The Oxford Handbook of Innovafion Management, pp.420-441. (2017). the new ninemsn - News, Sport, TV, Entertainment, Lifestyle. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Apr. 2017]. Roh, J., Hong, P. and Min, H., 2014. Implementation of a responsive supply chain strategy in global complexity: The case of manufacturing firms.International Journal of Production Economics,147, pp.198-210. Solomon, M.R., 2014.Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being(Vol. 10). Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Friday, April 17, 2020
Writing a Sample Essay on My Role Model
Writing a Sample Essay on My Role ModelA sample essay on my role model is a simple but essential element in an essay writing project. Many students prefer to do a project themselves, but they have yet to find the best way to perform this task.How does one write a sample essay on my role model? You have two options: First, you can hire a writer or you can prepare the essay yourself. The first option is obviously much more economical and affordable. In addition, the preparation of a sample essay on my role model should take only a couple of hours.The second option involves spending a couple of hundred dollars for a high-quality essay writing course or eBook. However, this will not take you anywhere near as long as the preparation of a sample essay on my role model.In my experience, it is very helpful if you follow a few rules when you are writing a sample essay on my role model. First, make sure that you have the right attitude. In other words, avoid pessimism. Optimism is definitely a huge plus.Do not turn your story into a great example of someone who has already achieved their role model's success. Do not turn it into a 'what could I have done to achieve this?' Instead, focus on the task at hand. Define clearly what it is that you wish to achieve.Once you know exactly what it is that you want to achieve, then you can go out and actually achieve your role model's success. This will make your project much easier to complete because you will already have an idea of what you need to achieve.Finally, in the middle of your essay, think about what you hope to gain from your effort. Have you had a great experience with your role model? Do you want to be just like them? Do you wish to learn something from them?Remember that it is very important to demonstrate your own confidence in order to help others feel confident about their own achievements. In the process, you will also realize how easy it is to put together a fantastic story.
Friday, April 10, 2020
The Summoner And The Wife Of Bath Essays - Summoner, Wicca
The Summoner And The Wife Of Bath On the other hand, the vivid description of the Summoner is disgusting. His skin is full of pimples and boils. He smells of garlic and wine. Chaucer writes, No borax, ceruse, tartar, could discharge, Nor ointment that could cleanse enough. The tone is vivid as to how unclean the Summoner was. He was unclean in body and mind. He lied and was sanctimonious. He was suppose to be a man of God and he was very much full of pride and of the purse. The Summoners bad nature could bring harm to others as illustrated by Chaucers statement, he brought duress on any young fellow in the diocese. Chaucers writes vividly about the Summoner, who had a fiery-red, cherubic face. In other words he is not what he seems. Fiery-red is incongruent with a cherub. The impact on the reader is heightened by the dissonance of terms. The hypocrisy is highlighted by the tone of the language. The tone of Chaucers writings used vivid descriptions to heighten the impact of the themes and messages he was expressing. T he contrast between The Summoner and The Wife of Bath is striking. The disgust for hypocrisy could be seen, smelled and understood vividly in the characterization of the Summoner. Whereas, the attraction to the Wife of Bath was a tribute to honest thinking. On the other hand, the vivid description of the Summoner is disgusting. His skin is full of pimples and boils. He smells of garlic and wine. Chaucer writes, No borax, ceruse, tartar, could discharge, Nor ointment that could cleanse enough. The tone is vivid as to how unclean the Summoner was. He was unclean in body and mind. He lied and was sanctimonious. He was suppose to be a man of God and he was very much full of pride and of the purse. The Summoners bad nature could bring harm to others as illustrated by Chaucers statement, he brought duress on any young fellow in the diocese. Chaucers writes vividly about the Summoner, who had a fiery-red, cherubic face. In other words he is not what he seems. Fiery-red is incongruent with a cherub. The impact on the reader is heightened by the dissonance of terms. The hypocrisy is highlighted by the tone of the language. The tone of Chaucers writings used vivid descriptions to heighten the impact of the themes and messages he was expressing. T he contrast between The Summoner and The Wife of Bath is striking. The disgust for hypocrisy could be seen, smelled and understood vividly in the characterization of the Summoner. Whereas, the attraction to the Wife of Bath was a tribute to honest thinking. Shakespeare Essays
Monday, March 9, 2020
The Best Marketing Operations Strategy to Help Overloaded Managers
The Best Marketing Operations Strategy to Help Overloaded Managers Let’s be honest†¦ Marketing Operations doesn’t sound very sexy. It doesn’t spark the same excitement as say a blog post entitled, â€Å"The Best Times to Post on Social Media†. BUT, if you’re a marketing manager looking to improve ROI, Marketing Operations is a topic you should care about. Marketers are constantly expected to do more with less. You’re expected to show your value at every turn†¦ And we’re not just talking about vanity metrics†¦ You need to show cold, hard numbers about how your strategy is driving real business value. By implementing a Marketing Operations strategy†¦ (or even devoting an entire full-time employee to the task) you can start being more consistent in your processes and reaching your campaign goals on the reg. Better processes, better results, better execution. This #Marketing Operations strategy is theMakes Marketing Operations a Cinch So you don’t have the budget to hire a Marketing Operations pro full-time UGH, you’re thinking†¦ Not *another* task I have to take on myself. Have no fear, is here. For real. Lots of Marketing Operations functions can be solved with . Strategic planning? âÅ"… Project Management? âÅ"… Content Operations? âÅ"… Managing your roadmap? âÅ"… Providing insights to Stakeholders? âÅ"… Schedule a demo today to learn how it can make your work life SO much easier. Download These Marketing Operations Templates Before diving in, these templates will help you implement a Marketing Operations Strategy. You’ll find: A Simple Performance Management Checklist Setting clear goals makes it easier to evaluate your marketing team and increase productivity. Use this checklist to know exactly what to look for, which questions to ask, and what to do. An Agile Sprint planning template Use this template to implement an Agile marketing process and make sure every project gets done on time, every time. A Marketing Project Management Plan Template Managing a marketing project is no joke. There are tons of moving parts. Use this template to help get your projects more organized from the get-go. They’ll make putting a strategy into practice much easier. What Even is Marketing Operations? Here are some analogies to illustrate: Marketing Operations is the Excel Spreadsheet to your Adobe Illustrator. It’s the marketing analytics and logic to your design and creativity. It’s the skills handled by the left side of your brain in comparison to the right side. Not into analogies? No problem. Here’s a quick and dirty explanation: Marketing Operations focuses on behind-the-scenes planning, governance, and optimization to make marketing initiatives more successful. From initial budgeting to end-of-campaign analysis, a Marketing Operations professional is responsible for providing hard data to back-up the marketing strategy. Sounds a lot like most marketing managers, amirite? The Scope of Marketing Operations Marketing Operations can be found in all stages of the marketing process. While marketing is usually thought of as the creative group in an organization, the role of Marketing Operations stemmed from the need for increased transparency, efficiency, and accountability. As new technologies slowly proliferated the marketing scene, it became clear that a role was needed to align a company’s processes, metrics and goals – enter Marketing Operations. But for most small and medium-sized enterprises, all of these tasks fall on the shoulders of the Marketing Manager, Marketing Director, or VP of Marketing. That said, here’s a Marketing Operations Strategy to help make your Marketing Operations tasks easier than ever. A Marketing Manager’s Guide to Marketing Operations Let’s assume that you don’t work for a mega-corporation that has all the resources in the world to devote to an entire Marketing Operations, operation. You can still reap the benefits of Marketing Ops by using this strategy. Let’s start with technology†¦ Marketing Operations Technology Marketing Technology or MarTech – has made our jobs as marketers both easier and more complicated. Finding the right solution can make your day-to-day work life 1000x easier... But finding that solution†¦ coupled with *actually* getting your team to use it, sounds like a task that is not worth tackling. However, the status quo can’t continue. This spreadsheet has. Got. To. Go. Let’s start with your tool stack. Don’t have time to track down every MarTech tool for your stack? Here’s a short list to help: Kissmetrics: Metrics, reporting and tracking your funnel are all basic tasks for Marketing Ops. Kissmetrics allows you to build powerful reports and dashboards to track your marketing funnel,  email subscribers, UTM parameters, website activity, and more. Ahrefs: Benchmarketing, competitor analysis, and strategic content planning also fall within the scope of Marketing Operations. Ahrefs helps you target valuable keywords and figure out what you need to do in order to rank your content on search engines. Salesforce: To manage your campaign operations and customer journey tracking like the best of ‘em, Salesforce is pretty awesome. Track things like interactions, build customer segmentations and re-engage using one of the most powerful CRMs around. There is so much you can do with Salesforce we can’t even scratch the surface – it’s a must have to accomplish a lot of Marketing Operations functions. : A project management platform that is actually made for marketing teams.  With you can collaborate, plan, manage workloads and track campaigns all in one tool. It’s mission control for your entire marketing roadmap. Easily see what your entire team is working on day-to-day; share insights with stakeholders using the read-only view; and maximize your team’s productivity. Autopilot: Lead nurturing is awfully hard without a powerful marketing automation platform. Autopilot take a visual approach to email flows. Use this tool to implement advanced marketing automation functions, nurture your leads and hit each persona with the right message at the right time. Process Development and Optimization Efficient and effective processes are one of the key components of Marketing Operations. A successful marketing team doesn’t just set it and forget it, they are constantly improving and tailoring best practices. Start by planning and documenting your workflows. Documenting your workflows means that everyone knows the correct order of operations, when tasks are due, and where their contributions fit into the project’s timeline. They are essential for completing work on time, every time. A documented workflow also means that you can spend more time doing meaningful work and less time following-up with every person at every stage of a marketing project. Here’s how to do it: Step 1: Determine each team member’s role for each type of project you execute regularly. Step 2: Map out each task that needs to be completed. Step 3: Next, assign the task and determine the length of time needed to complete each task. Step 4: Work back from there to determine the necessary project length and attach task due dates for each step in the workflow. For example, here’s what this might look like for a webinar: Generate ideas: Strategist - due 30 days before launch Recruit guest: Strategist - Due 25 days before launch Create talking points: Strategist - Due 18 days before launch Design slide deck: Designer - Due 17 days before launch Include in drip campaign: Marketing Automation - Due 14 days before launch Approve slide deck: Strategist - Due 12 days before launch Schedule social promotion: Writer/Social Strategist - 10 days before launch Test run-though: Guest Host - 1 day before launch Let’s illustrate how this can be done with : In the top right-hand corner of your project click the task template icon. Then, create a new task template. Name your workflow and add each task associated with the project. Next, you can add a due date for each task and assign it to the relevant team member. Now your webinar workflow is documented and ready to be attached to every webinar project from here on out. Recommended Reading: How to Implement an Effective Marketing Workflow Management Process in 7 Simple Steps How To Boost A Marketing Workflow Process That Will Reduce Work By 30-50% Implement an Agile Approach Agile refers to a flexible marketing approach in which teams identify high-value projects, break those project down into smaller deliverables, measure their impact, and then iterate on the results to incrementally improve. Agile Marketing provides marketing teams a set process for running (most) marketing campaigns. Hence a perfect fit for Marketing Operations.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Wolf Peak International Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Wolf Peak International - Assignment Example It led to the painful but liberating experience of installing SAP Business One, a very user-friendly program that is cheap and quick to install and one that runs in tandem with other useful programs such as Microsoft Excel. The article then goes on to list the functionality of the program, stating the ability to peruse orders by amount and date as an important factor. The problems that occurred when Wolf Peak upgraded from QuickBooks to the newer system were that no-one understood how to use the program in question and reports could not be generated from it. It was stated that accountants spent months trying to extract information from the program. It is also mentioned that the old reports from QuickBooks could not be uploaded onto the system and therefore there was no history on the system, a problem for a SME such as Wolf Peak. These problems could have been avoided by proper investigation into the types of accounting package available, and getting a demonstration from the company like that mentioned later with reference to SAP Business One. Education of the employees by the manufacturer of the new system could have been useful too, although a program that is not user-friendly may never catch on. There are several reasons why the SAP Business One was preferable. Firstly, SAP Business One took only seven weeks to install, and Wolf Peak was using it successfully from this period with no delays. SAP Business One also allowed the QuickBooks entries to be put into the system easily, meaning that all the accounting system was in one place. The compatibility with Microsoft Excel allows people from all areas of the company to see the accounts and make adjustments in a familiar program, as well as for easy printing and note-making. SAP Business One also allows Schwab to check the inventory and the price value for each item of stock, an invaluable tool for a SME.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
English Legal System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
English Legal System - Essay Example This discussion highlights that the Court of Appeal declared that the admission policy of JFS was erroneous and highly discriminatory in nature and procedure followed in case of admission of M is highly objectionable. The governing body of JFS and United Synagogue appealed the decision of Court of Appeal in Supreme Court. The Supreme Court held that the policy adopted by the governing body in deciding the admission of M was against the natural justice and highly discriminatory in nature. It further held that the decision of JFS in denying the admission to M also violates the basic provisions of Section 1(1) (a) of Race Relations Act 1976. The United Synagogue was ordered to pay 20% of the costs incurred by R in Court of Appeal. However, the United Synagogue was told no to pay the 20%of the costs incurred in High Court which would be paid by JFS.According to the research findings the Supreme Court strongly felt that the admission procedure for admission of children in United Kingdo m should not be directly discriminatory in nature and hence the justification for the support given to R was proper. The discrimination of people on grounds of ethnicity and racism was also objected by the House of Lords in cases like Mandla v Dowell-Lee (1983). It also felt that the admission procedure of JFS was not questioned or criticized directly, but the students should not be treated with disadvantage on the grounds of ethnic origin.  Â
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Importance Of Being On Time Essay Example for Free
The Importance Of Being On Time Essay We are successful in life only when we make the best use of time. Time cannot be stopped, paused, or regained. Some point in life whether it be business related, or for leisure, someone or something will require you to be at a certain place at a given time. Punctuality could be the key to winning a contest, finalizing a business deal, or even keeping your job. We all as human beings have been late before, things happen, but constant lateness affects your dependability. If you are not dependable your opportunities for progression will start to decrease. The life of George Washington was characterized by a scrupulous regard for punctuality. When he asked a man to bring by some horses he was interested in buying at five in the morning, and the man arrived fifteen minutes late, he was told by the stable groom that the general had been waiting there at five, but had now moved on to other business, and that he wouldn’t be able to examine the horses again until the following week. When he told Congress that he’d meet with them at noon, he could almost always be found striding into the chamber just as the clock was striking twelve. Washington’s promptness extended to his mealtimes as well. He ate dinner each day at exactly 4 o’clock, and when he invited members of Congress to dine with him, and they arrived late, they were often surprised to find the president halfway done with his meal or even pushing back from the table. To his startled, tardy guest he would say, â€Å"We are punctual here. My cook never asks whether the company has arrived, but whether the hour has come.†( George Washington was a perfect example on how important punctuality is, and what opportunities can be missed. For our first president, being on time was a way of showing respect to others, and he expected to be treated with the same level of respect in return. Although no longer live in an age of knickers and powdered wigs, but being pun ctual is just as important as it ever was. â€Å"Soldiers should be minutemen. Punctuality is one of the most valuable habits a soldier can possess.†Christopher Andrews said it the best, when it comes to punctuality in the army is your bread and butter. You could be the best soldier, but if you’re late all the time you can quickly be potrayed as something way less. Being punctual builds and reveals your discipline. The punctual man shows that he can organize his time, that he pays attention to details, and that he can put aside this to do that ; he can set aside a pleasure to take care of business. The non punctual man shows he needs to be supervised, seems unprepared, and unprofessional. These things are all the things that could stop a soldier from progressing. It is like a domino effect, one consequence leads to another, and leads you down a trail of detriment. Something so simple as being on time can be the key to being allowed to go to a promotion board, or even staying in the military. If the conduct was constant, action may be intiated to separate you from the service. If you are involuntarily separted, you could receive an Honorable discharge, a general discharge, or under other than honorable conditions discharge. An honorable discharge is a separation with honor based on the quality of service, which meets the standards of acceptable conduct and performance of duty. A general discharge is a separation under honorable conditions , based on a military record being satisfactory but not sufficiently meritorious to warrant an honorable discharge. A discharge under other than honorable conditions is based upon a pattern of behavior of one or more acts or omissions that constitutes a significant departure from the conduct expected of a soldier. An honorable discharge may be awarded under any provisions. A general discharge may be awarded for separation under Chapter 5, Chapter 9, Chapter 13, or Chapter 14. An under othe than honorable conditions discharge may be awarded for separation under Chapter 14 for misconduct. If you receive an honorable discharge, you will be qualififed for most benefits resulting from military service. An involuntary honorable discharge, however will disqualify you from reenlistment for some period of time and may disqualify you from receiving transitional benefits. Also the Montgomery GI Bill you have not met other program requirements. If you receive a General discharge, you will be disqualified from reenlisting in the service for some period of time and you will be ineligible for some military and VA administered benefits, including the Montgomery GI bill. You may also face difficulty in obtaining civilian employment, as employers have a low regard for the General and Under Other Than Honorable conditions discharges. Although there are agencies to which you may apply to have the character of your discharge changed, it is unlikely that any such applications will be successful. Time is the most influential factor in this world. It is abstract. Everything in this world is commanded and decided by time. Nobody can escape the hold of time. It is the time which gives us the opportunity to make use of it. Those who make best use of time and avail those opportunities grow and rise in life. Those who waste their time lag behind. They fail to make any mark in life. He is the wisest who makes the best use of time. He rises to the great heights who keep pace with the time. Time is very important, it should be managed as if each second , minute hour, day is money. After all time is money. If time isn’t important to you, remember its important to someone else. If you are late to something chances are you are wasting someone else’s time. Being late is a form of stealing. That’s a tough truth, but it’s a truth nonetheless. When you make others wait for you, you rob minutes from them that they’ll never get back. Time they could have turned into money, or simply used for the things important to them. In coming to meet you at the agreed upon hour, they may have made sacrifices – woken up early, cut short their workout, told their kid they couldn’t read a story together – and your lateness negates those sacrifices. If you wouldn’t think of taking ten dollars from another man’s wallet, you shouldn’t think of stealing ten minutes from him either. Being punctual shows you value time yourself, and thus wouldn’t think of depriving others of this precious, but limited resource. Even when you are not dealing with work related things being on time is still important to many people, family, and friends. Being late strains your relationships. When you’re late in meeting other people, it makes them feel under-valued, that whatever you couldn’t pull yourself away from was more important or that they didn’t mean enough to you to warrant allotting sufficient time to arrive on schedule. The guest who flies in to see you feels like a dope standing at the airport alone, your date feels awkward sitting at the restaurant by herself, and your child feels abandoned as she waits with her teacher for you to arrive, all the other children having already been picked up from school. This is not the first time you’ve heard that punctuality is important. It’s easy to understand how keeping our appointments and reporting on time is a sign of respect. This is especially the case for improving employee productivity. If your leader keeps their word about meetings, deadlines and other time-sensitive promises, it’s easy to feel motivated to get things done. Failure to be prompt has consequences. When you are late or blow someone off entirely, you are telling them that your time is more important than theirs. Of course we should all be on time. And naturally, when circumstances pop up we should call ahead to say we are running late. Let’s put aside human psychology and Army mumbo jumbo for a moment, however, and talk about machinery. Time is an essential element in any working system. The spark plugs in an engine have to fire at exactly the right speed. A bridge can hold the weight of a million cars, as long as are spaced far enough apart. A clock quickly becomes useless if every second is not precisely one second long. All of these parameters are designed for increasing employee productivity. Time is important! Being late is like taking the oil out of a well run machine. It gums up the works, cranks up the heat, and causes things to break. When you are late to a doctor’s appointment, you may cause a domino effect that disrupts other patients. And when the doctor is running behind, you may end up waiting for ages thanks to overlapping ripples in the schedule. This problem applies to any business. Improvement is only possible if we recognize that failure to manage time affects everything.
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